MyRecipes App
This app Fetch data from JSON API using Retrofit2 and display it in a RecyclerView.
MyRecipes App download link:
- you can sort the recipes ascending based on fats/Calories
- the app remembers you last choice in sorting to re-sort the data in the same way for the next time
- you can search by Recipe name in search bar
- internet access
- check network state
- Retrofit2 >> to Fetch data from Api
- Picasso >> to fetch photos from URL
- Gson >> to parse the JSON data
- creating recipe model
- creating Retrofit2 client class and endpoint interface
- Editing the main activity xml file to include (SearchView, sorting cardView with checkBoxex, RecyclerView)
- creating RecyclerView row element xml layout file
- creating RecyclerView Adapter class
- displaying data on RecyclerView
- appling filter to RecyclerView to achieve searching
- adding the searchView Listener
- adding comparator methods to the model class to achieve sorting
- adding okHttp3 intecepator classes to handle no internet connection