One Million Arab Coders initiative, In light of the recent great technological development in the world as a whole, and in light of the constant quest in the Arab world in order to obtain better educational opportunities and keep pace with the scientifically advanced countries, the United Arab Emirates has proposed the One Million Arab Programmers initiative in order to obtain more scientific basics.
One Million Arab Coders initiative مبادرة مليون مبرمج عربي
And that initiative is a step towards improving working life and keeping pace with technological development in all fields by obtaining accredited courses from large educational platforms such as Microsoft and Udcity, from whom that scholarship is offered.
Online Courses
This initiative supports the opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of some areas such as Android applications, data analysis and website development, and it can be easily registered in knowing the basics of these fields, and then after the end of the first session is filtered through the participants according to the result in order to give the most distinguished group the opportunity to obtain a Nano degree from Udcity in A great opportunity for its holders to open many job opportunities for them.
You can register and subscribe to all courses from here