Android Tips

 Android Tips with Ameera

You can be an Android developer easily but if you want to become a successful Android developer you must try hard with passion to become great at this job.

Some tips I will discuss with you to improve our brains and codes

Android Code 

First we must get familiar with Android framework code, and we should know android is very big so you still learn and the more you learn the more you earn so you need to read more codes and more languages like JavaScript.

You should learn how to write clean code with comments and  spend some time to learn about Android best practices, 

It is very important to adopt a good architecture for your app, such as MVP or MVVM, also try to learn about design, test and security.

If you learn java, you should also go to Kotlin and read about it also know about IOS and flutter to have fair knowledge at  this career 


Being a perfectionist, a realistic, a social, being an android developer or not to be.